该算法的时间复杂度为O(n ^ 2),但是我们可以通过使用二进制搜索方法搜索冲突的作业将其更改为O(n Log n)。
Input: The start time, finish time and profit of some jobs as matrix form. And number of jobs. Here 4 jobs are present. 3 5 25 1 2 50 6 15 75 2 100 100 Output: The maximum profit 150. The job sequence is job 2, job 4, or job 2, job 1, job 3. for both cases the max profit is 150 here.
findMaxProfit(jobList, n)
输入: 作业列表和作业数。
Begin sort job list according to their ending time define table to store results table[0] := jobList[0].profit for i := 1 to n-1, do addProfit := jobList[i].profit nonConflict := find jobs which is not conflicting with others if any non-conflicting job found, then addProfit := addProfit + table[nonConflict] if addProfit > table[i - 1], then table[i] := addProfit else table[i] := table[i-1] done result := table[n-1] return result End
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; struct Job { int start, end, profit; }; bool comp(Job job1, Job job2) { return (job1.end < job2.end); } int nonConflictJob(Job jobList[], int i) { //non conflicting job of jobList[i] for (int j=i-1; j>=0; j--) { if (jobList[j].end <= jobList[i-1].start) return j; } return -1; } int findMaxProfit(Job jobList[], int n) { sort(jobList, jobList+n, comp); //sort jobs based on the ending time int *table = new int[n]; //create jon table table[0] = jobList[0].profit; for (int i=1; i<n; i++) { //查找包括当前工作在内的利润 int addProfit = jobList[i].profit; int l = nonConflictJob(jobList, i); if (l != -1) addProfit += table[l]; table[i] = (addProfit>table[i-1])?addProfit:table[i-1]; //find maximum } int result = table[n-1]; delete[] table; //clear table from memory return result; } int main() { Job jobList[] = { {3, 5, 25}, {1, 2, 50}, {6, 15, 75}, {2, 100, 100} }; int n = 4; cout << "The maximum profit: " << findMaxProfit(jobList, n); return 0; }
The maximum profit: 150