So, if the input is like edges = [ [0, 2, 100], [1, 2, 200], [1, 3, 100], [2, 3, 300] ], then the output will be 600
from collections import defaultdict, deque class Solution: def solve(self, edges): graph = defaultdict(list) weights = {} max_weight = 0 N = 0 for u, v, w in edges: graph[u].append(v) graph[v].append(u) weights[u, v] = w weights[v, u] = w N = max(N, u + 1, v + 1) max_weight = max(max_weight, w) def bfs(root, weight_cap): target = N - 1 Q = deque([(root, 0, 0)]) visited = [False] * N visited[0] = True while Q: v, d, current_weight = Q.pop() if v == N - 1: return d, current_weight for w in graph[v]: if visited[w]: continue new_weight = weights[v, w] if new_weight <= weight_cap: visited[w] = True zQ.appendleft((w, d + 1, max(current_weight, new_weight))) return -1, -1 result = float("inf") while max_weight >= 0: d, weight = bfs(0, max_weight) if d >= 0: result = min(result, d * weight) max_weight = weight - 1 else: break return result if result < float("inf") else -1 ob = Solution() print (ob.solve( [ [0, 2, 100], [1, 2, 200], [1, 3, 100], [2, 3, 300] ]))
[ [0, 2, 100], [1, 2, 200], [1, 3, 100], [2, 3, 300] ]输出结果