要使用原始索引和名称创建 DataFrame,请使用Pandas 中的方法。index.to_frame()
首先,导入所需的库 -
import pandas as pd
创建熊猫索引 -
index = pd.Index(['Electronics','Accessories','Decor', 'Books', 'Toys'],name ='Products')
显示熊猫指数 -
print("Pandas Index...\n",index)
将索引转换为 DataFrame -
print("\nIndex to DataFrame...\n",index.to_frame())
以下是代码 -
import pandas as pd # Creating Pandas index index = pd.Index(['Electronics','Accessories','Decor', 'Books', 'Toys'],name ='Products') # Display the Pandas index print("Pandas Index...\n",index) # Return the number of elements in the Index print("\nNumber of elements in the index...\n",index.size) # Return the dtype of the data print("\nThe dtype object...\n",index.dtype) # convert index to DataFrame print("\nIndex to DataFrame...\n",index.to_frame())输出结果
这将产生以下输出 -
Pandas Index... Index(['Electronics', 'Accessories', 'Decor', 'Books', 'Toys'], dtype='object', name='Products') Number of elements in the index... 5 The dtype object... object Index to DataFrame... Products Products Electronics Electronics Accessories Accessories Decor Decor Books Books Toys Toys