给出一个数字。我们必须找到两对,它们可以将数字表示为两个立方体的总和。所以我们必须找到两对(a,b)和(c,d),这样给定的数n可以表示为n = a 3 + b 3 = c 3 + d 3
这个想法很简单。在这里,每个数字a,b,c和d都小于n 1/3。对于每个小于n 1/3的数字形成的不同对(x,y),如果它们的和(x 3 + y 3)等于给定的数字,则将它们存储在哈希表中,并将和值作为键,然后如果再次获得相同的总和,他们只需打印每对
getPairs(n): begin cube_root := cube root of n map as int type key and pair type value for i in range 1 to cube_root, do for j in range i + 1 to cube_root, do sum = i3 + j3 if sum is not same as n, then skip next part, go to second iteration if sum is present into map, then print pair, and (i, j), else insert (i,j) with corresponding sum into the map done done end
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <map> using namespace std; int getPairs(int n){ int cube_root = pow(n, 1.0/3.0); map<int, pair<int, int> > my_map; for(int i = 1; i<cube_root; i++){ for(int j = i + 1; j<= cube_root; j++){ int sum = i*i*i + j*j*j; if(sum != n) continue; if(my_map.find(sum) != my_map.end()){ cout << "(" << my_map[sum].first << ", " << my_map[sum].second << ") and (" << i << ", " << j << ")" << endl; }else{ my_map[sum] = make_pair(i, j); } } } } int main() { int n = 13832; getPairs(n); }
(2, 24) and (18, 20)