vector v_1 = {5, 7, 8, 10, 11},. vector v_2 = {6, 4, 3, 2, 0} , int k = 11
Count of pairs from two linked lists whose sum is equal to a given value k are: 4
The pairs which can be formed using the given linked lists are: (5, 6) = 11(equals to k), (5, 4) = 9(not equals to k), (5, 3) = 8(not equals to k), (5, 2) = 7(not equals to k), (5, 0) = 5(not equals to k), (7, 6) = 13(not equals to k), (7, 4) = 11(equals to k), (7, 3) = 10(not equals to k), (7, 2) = 9(not equals to k), (7, 0) = 7(not equals to k), (8, 6) = 14(not equals to k), (8, 4) = 12(not equals to k), (8, 3) = 11(equals to k), (8, 2) = 10(not equals to k), (8, 0) = 8(not equals to k), (10, 6) = 16(not equals to k), (10, 4) = 14(not equals to k), (10, 3) = 13(not equals to k), (10, 2) = 12(not equals to k), (10, 0) = 10(not equals to k), (11, 6) = 17(not equals to k), (11, 4) = 15(not equals to k), (11, 3) = 14(not equals to k), (11, 2) = 13(not equals to k), (11, 0) = 11(not equals to k). So, clearly there are 3 pairs which are equal to the given sum.
vector v_1 = {2, 3, 5, 6},. vector v_2 = {6, 4, 3} , int k = 6
Count of pairs from two linked lists whose sum is equal to a given value k are: 2
The pairs which can be formed using the given linked lists are: (2, 6) = 8(not equals to k), (2, 4) = 6(equals to k), (2, 3) = 5(not equals to k), (3, 6) = 9(not equals to k), (3, 4) = 7(not equals to k), (3, 3) = 6(equals to k), (5, 6) = 11(not equals to k), (5, 4) = 9(not equals to k), (5, 3) = 8(not equals to k), (6, 6) = 12(not equals to k), (6, 4) = 10(not equals to k), (6, 3) = 9(not equals to k),. So, clearly there are 2 pairs which are equal to the given sum.
在ptr-> next不等于NULL的情况下遍历循环,并将ptr设置为ptr-> next
在ptr-> next集合矢量[i]内部
创建两个指针对象,即,* first_list用于第一个链接列表,* second_list用于第二个链接列表。
在循环内部,检查IF(first_list-> data + second_list-> data)== k,然后将计数加1
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class ListNode{ public: int data; ListNode *next; ListNode(int data){ this->data = data; next = NULL; } }; ListNode *CreateList(vector v){ ListNode *start = new ListNode(v[0]); for (int i = 1; i < v.size(); i++){ ListNode *ptr = start; while (ptr->next != NULL){ ptr = ptr->next; } ptr->next = new ListNode(v[i]); } return start; } int sum_pair(ListNode *start_1, ListNode *start_2, int k){ int count = 0; ListNode *first_list , *second_list; for (first_list = start_1; first_list != NULL; first_list = first_list->next){ for (second_list = start_2; second_list != NULL; second_list = second_list->next){ if ((first_list->data + second_list->data) == k){ count++; } } } return count; } int main(){ vector<int> v_1 = {5, 7, 8, 10, 11}; ListNode* start_1 = CreateList(v_1); vector v_2 = {6, 4, 3, 2, 0}; ListNode* start_2 = CreateList(v_2); int k = 11; cout<<"Count of pairs from two linked lists whose sum is equal to a given value k are: "<<sum_pair(start_1, start_2, k); }
Count of pairs from two linked lists whose sum is equal to a given value k are: 4