这是一个使用链接列表实现二进制搜索树的C ++程序。
Begin Take the nodes of the tree as input. Create a structure nod to take the data d, a left pointer l and a right r as input. Create a function create() to insert nodes into the tree: Initialize c = 0 as number of nodes. Perform while loop till c < 6: Enter the root. Enter the value of the node, if it is greater than root then entered as right otherwise left. Create a function inorder() to traverse the node as inorder as: Left – Root – Right. Create a function preorder() to traverse the node as preorder as: Root – Left – Right. Create a function postorder() to traverse the node as preorder as: Left – Right – Root From main(), call the functions and print the result. End
#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct nod { nod *l, *r; int d; }*r = NULL, *p = NULL, *np = NULL, *q; void create() { int v,c = 0; while (c < 6) { if (r == NULL) { r = new nod; cout<<"enter value of root node\n"; cin>>r->d; r->r = NULL; r->l = NULL; } else { p = r; cout<<"enter value of node\n"; cin>>v; while(true) { if (v< p->d) { if (p->l == NULL) { p->l = new nod; p = p->l; p->d = v; p->l = NULL; p->r = NULL; cout<<"value entered in left\n"; break; } else if (p->l != NULL) { p = p->l; } } else if (v >p->d) { if (p->r == NULL) { p->r = new nod; p = p->r; p->d = v; p->l = NULL; p->r = NULL; cout<<"value entered in right\n"; break; } else if (p->r != NULL) { p = p->r; } } } } c++; } } void inorder(nod *p) { if (p != NULL) { inorder(p->l); cout<<p->d<<endl; inorder(p->r); } } void preorder(nod *p) { if (p != NULL) { cout<<p->d<<endl; preorder(p->l); preorder(p->r); } } void postorder(nod *p) { if (p != NULL) { postorder(p->l); postorder(p->r); cout<<p->d<<endl; } } int main() { create(); cout<<" traversal in inorder\n"; inorder(r); cout<<" traversal in preorder\n"; preorder(r); cout<<" traversal in postorder\n"; postorder(r); }
enter value of root node 7 enter value of node 6 value entered in left enter value of node 4 value entered in left enter value of node 3 value entered in left enter value of node 2 value entered in left enter value of node 1 value entered in left traversal in inorder 1 2 3 4 6 7 traversal in preorder 7 6 4 3 2 1 traversal in postorder 1 2 3 4 6 7