此(匹配器)类的方法接受字符串值,替换所有匹配的子序列与 给定的字符串值的输入,并返回结果。
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class ReplaceAllExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter input text: "); String input = sc.nextLine(); String regex = "[#%&*]"; //创建一个模式对象 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); //创建一个Matcher对象 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input); int count =0; while(matcher.find()) { count++; } //检索使用的模式 System.out.println("The are "+count+" special characters [# % & *] in the given text"); //Replacing all special characters [# % & *] with ! String result = matcher.replaceAll("!"); System.out.println("Replaced all special characters [# % & *] with !: \n"+result); } }
Enter input text: Hello# How # are# you *& welcome to T#utorials%point The are 7 special characters [# % & *] in the given text Replaced all special characters [# % & *] with !: Hello! How ! are! you !! welcome to T!utorials!point
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class ReplaceAllExample { public static void main(String args[]) { //从用户读取字符串 System.out.println("Enter a String"); Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); String input = sc.nextLine(); //正则表达式以匹配空格(一个或多个) String regex = "\\s+"; //编译正则表达式 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); //检索匹配器对象 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input); //用单个空格替换所有空格字符 String result = matcher.replaceAll(" "); System.out.print("Text after removing unwanted spaces: \n"+result); } }
Enter a String hello this is a sample text with irregular spaces Text after removing unwanted spaces: hello this is a sample text with irregular spaces