Input : n = 6 m = 10 Output : 2 Explanation : Bits representation of 6 = 0110 Bit representation of 10 = 1010 0 1 1 0 ^ ^ 1 0 1 0 ^ ^ = 0 0 1 0 = 2
Step 1 : For n find the value of set even bits. Step 2 : For m find the value of set odd bits. Step 3 : Calculate the result = set even bits of n | set odd bits of m. Step 4: Print the value of result.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int setevenbits(int n) ; int setoddbits(int m) ; int main(){ int n = 12; int m = 17; int setn = setevenbits(n); int setm = setoddbits(m); int result = ( setn | setm ); cout<<result; return 0; } int setevenbits(int n){ int temp = n; int count = 0; int res = 0; for (temp = n; temp > 0; temp >>= 1) { if (count % 2 == 1) res |= (1 << count); count++; } return (n & res); } int setoddbits(int m){ int count = 0; int res = 0; for (int temp = m; temp > 0; temp >>= 1) { if (count % 2 == 0) res |= (1 << count); count++; } return (m & res); }