假设链接列表为-45> 21> 2> 213> 3> 34> 78> 12。
生成的链接列表将为45> 2> 21> 34> 213> 78> 3> 12
Step 1 : Create stacks for holding out of order even and odd node of the linked list. Step 2 : Traverse the linked list and follow : Step 2.1 : if odd node is out of order i.e. at odd position, push it to odd stack. Step 2.2 : If even node is out of order i.e. at even position, push it to even stack. Step 3 : Push elements from the stack in alternate order. When the stack is empty, the result is the required linked list. Step 4: Print the elements of the linked list.
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct Node { int data; struct Node* next; }; void printList(struct Node* node) ; Node* newNode(int key){ Node* temp = new Node; temp->data = key; temp->next = NULL; return temp; } Node* insertBeg(Node* head, int val){ Node* temp = newNode(val); temp->next = head; head = temp; return head; } void OddEvenList(Node* head) ; int main(){ Node* head = newNode(45); head = insertBeg(head, 21); head = insertBeg(head, 2); head = insertBeg(head, 213); head = insertBeg(head, 3); head = insertBeg(head, 34); head = insertBeg(head, 78); head = insertBeg(head, 12); cout << "链接列表:" << endl; printList(head); OddEvenList(head); cout << "Linked List after " << "Rearranging:" << endl; printList(head); return 0; } void printList(struct Node* node){ while (node != NULL) { cout << node->data << " "; node = node->next; } cout << endl; } void OddEvenList(Node* head){ stack<Node*> odd; stack<Node*> even; int i = 1; while (head != nullptr) { if (head->data % 2 != 0 && i % 2 == 0) { odd.push(head); } else if (head->data % 2 == 0 && i % 2 != 0) { even.push(head); } head = head->next; i++; } while (!odd.empty() && !even.empty()) { swap(odd.top()->data, even.top()->data); odd.pop(); even.pop(); } }
链接列表: 12 78 34 3 213 2 21 45 Linked List after Rearranging: 3 78 45 12 213 2 21 34