要返回从值推断出的类型的字符串,请使用Pandas 中的index.inferred_type属性。
首先,导入所需的库 -
import pandas as pd import numpy as np
创建索引。对于 NaN,我们使用了 numpy 库 -
index = pd.Index(['Car','Bike', np.nan,'Car',np.nan, 'Ship', None, None])
显示索引 -
print("Pandas Index...\n",index)
返回从值推断出的类型的字符串 -
print("\nThe inferred type...\n",index.inferred_type)
以下是代码 -
import pandas as pd import numpy as np # 创建索引 # 对于 NaN,我们使用了 numpy 库 index = pd.Index(['Car','Bike', np.nan,'Car',np.nan, 'Ship', None, None]) # 显示索引 print("Pandas Index...\n",index) # 返回一个表示索引中数据的数组 print("\nArray...\n",index.values) # 检查索引是否有 NaN print("\nIs the Pandas index having NaNs?\n",index.hasnans) # 返回数据的 dtype print("\nThe dtype object...\n",index.dtype) # 返回从值推断出的类型的字符串 print("\nThe inferred type...\n",index.inferred_type)输出结果
这将产生以下代码 -
Pandas Index... Index(['Car', 'Bike', nan, 'Car', nan, 'Ship', None, None], dtype='object') Array... ['Car' 'Bike' nan 'Car' nan 'Ship' None None] Is the Pandas index having NaNs? True The dtype object... object The inferred type... Mixed