Backblaze B2 和 MediaFire 的区别

Backblaze B2 由 Backblaze Incorporation 于 2015 年创立。它是市场上最便宜的云存储之一。Mediafire 由 Derek Labian 和 Tom Langridge 于 2006 年 8 月创立。尽管它们都是云存储服务,但也存在许多显着差异。

下表突出了区分 Backblaze B2 和 MediaFire 的要点 -

It is mainly used by software professionals and business people to back up their data. There is no limit to data storage.它可用于小型商业应用和私有使用。数据存储有限制。
It is free for a specific amount of space. After 10 GB, there is a very low cost for more space, and after 1 TB, there is a charge of 5$per TB per Month.它提供免费的 10 GB 存储空间,并可自由增加到 50 GB。它提供的最大付费存储容量为 100 TB。上传的最大文件大小为 20 GB。
It uses object type storage, i.e., each data is wrapped up by metadata and a unique ID to retrieve data easily.它有一个简单的文件存储机制。
There is no encryption of data stored in Backblaze B2; therefore, it is less secure to store important data that needs to be protected. However, there is an option for server-side encryption in their cloud. We can also use third-party apps to encrypt from our side.没有数据加密。因此,最好仅将 Mediafire 用于低安全性数据存储目的。
This cloud is made easy by many partnering developers and integrations like Cloudflare, Iconik, Synology, MSP360, Veeam, QNAP, etc.有一些功能,例如从设备自动同步文件、轻松恢复已删除的文件、共享文件夹功能、轻松共享等。
There are no social or promotional activities like downloading apps that we can do to increase the free storage.用户可以通过许多社交和促销活动将免费存储空间从 10 GB 增加到 50 GB。
There are command-line tools that we can use to do queries in Backblaze B2.没有办法进行 SQL 查询,因为它有一个简单的文件管理系统。
It is a part of Backblaze Corp and has convenient support services in customer queries and problems.它没有帮助恢复数据的合作伙伴。
Generally, users are not disturbed by annoying ads.在免费版本中,它在下载页面上有很多广告。
By default, Backblaze B2 doesn't offer different storage classes for easy access of data during recovery. But, some integrations help users easily recover their data by following the 3-2-1 backup rule.没有特殊的数据存储类。所有数据都以相同的速度检索。
It is available in almost all countries.它也几乎在世界的每个地方都可以使用。