Python Pandas - 获取应用于 CustomBusinessDay 偏移量的周掩码

要在 CustomBusinessDay 偏移量上应用周掩码,请使用CustomBusinessDay.weekmaskPandas 中的属性。

首先,导入所需的库 -

import pandas as pd

在 Pandas 中设置时间戳对象 -

timestamp = pd.Timestamp('2021-10-22 03:10:35')

创建 CustomBusinessDay 偏移量。CustomBusinessDay 是 DateOffset 子类,表示不包括假期的自定义工作日。有效工作日的周掩码 -

cbdOffset = pd.tseries.offsets.CustomBusinessDay(n = 4, weekmask = 'Mon Tue Wed Fri')

将偏移量添加到时间戳并显示更新的时间戳 -

print("\nUpdated Timestamp...\n",timestamp + cbdOffset)

显示周掩码 -

print("\nThe weekmask on the CustomBusinessDay object..\n", cbdOffset.weekmask)


以下是代码 -

import pandas as pd

# Set the timestamp object in Pandas
timestamp = pd.Timestamp('2021-10-22 03:10:35')

# Display the Timestamp

# Create the CustomBusinessDay Offset
# CustomBusinessDay is the DateOffset subclass representing custom business days excluding holidays
# Weekmask of valid business days
cbdOffset = pd.tseries.offsets.CustomBusinessDay(n = 4, weekmask = 'Mon Tue Wed Fri')

# Display the CustomBusinessDay Offset
print("\nCustomBusinessDay Offset...\n",cbdOffset)

# Add the offset to the Timestamp and display the Updated Timestamp
print("\nUpdated Timestamp...\n",timestamp + cbdOffset)

# Return frequency applied on the given CustomBusinessDay Offset object as a string
print("\nFrequency applied on the given CustomBusinessDay Offset object...\n",cbdOffset.freqstr)

# return the count of increments on the given CustomBusinessDay object
print("\nThe count of increments on the CustomBusinessDay object..\n", cbdOffset.n)

# display the weekmask
print("\nThe weekmask on the CustomBusinessDay object..\n", cbdOffset.weekmask)

这将产生以下代码 -

 2021-10-22 03:10:35

CustomBusinessDay Offset...
 <4 * CustomBusinessDays>

Updated Timestamp...
 2021-10-29 03:10:35

Frequency applied on the given CustomBusinessDay Offset object...

The count of increments on the CustomBusinessDay object..

The weekmask on the CustomBusinessDay object..
 Mon Tue Wed Fri
