

下面的示例说明如何将 Hashtable 中键的列表或值的列表复制到一维 Array 中。

using System;
using System.Collections;
public class SamplesHashtable {
 public static void Main() {
  // Creates and initializes the source Hashtable.
  Hashtable mySourceHT = new Hashtable();
  mySourceHT.Add( "A", "valueA" );
  mySourceHT.Add( "B", "valueB" );
  // Creates and initializes the one-dimensional target Array.
  String[] myTargetArray = new String[15];
  myTargetArray[0] = "The";
  myTargetArray[1] = "quick";
  myTargetArray[2] = "brown";
  myTargetArray[3] = "fox";
  myTargetArray[4] = "jumped";
  myTargetArray[5] = "over";
  myTargetArray[6] = "the";
  myTargetArray[7] = "lazy";
  myTargetArray[8] = "dog";
  // Displays the values of the target Array.
  Console.WriteLine( "The target Array contains the following before:" );
  PrintValues( myTargetArray, ' ' );
  // Copies the keys in the source Hashtable to the target Hashtable, starting at index 6.
  Console.WriteLine( "After copying the keys, starting at index 6:" );
  mySourceHT.Keys.CopyTo( myTargetArray, 6 );
  // Displays the values of the target Array.
  PrintValues( myTargetArray, ' ' );
  // Copies the values in the source Hashtable to the target Hashtable, starting at index 6.
  Console.WriteLine( "After copying the values, starting at index 6:" );
  mySourceHT.Values.CopyTo( myTargetArray, 6 );
  // Displays the values of the target Array.
  PrintValues( myTargetArray, ' ' );
 public static void PrintValues( String[] myArr, char mySeparator ) {
  for ( int i = 0; i < myArr.Length; i++ )
   Console.Write( "{0}{1}", mySeparator, myArr[i] );
This code produces the following output.
The target Array contains the following before:
 The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
After copying the keys, starting at index 6:
 The quick brown fox jumped over B A dog
After copying the values, starting at index 6:
 The quick brown fox jumped over valueB valueA dog

