UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2...., columnN = valueN WHERE [condition];
要使用JDBC API更新表中记录的内容,您需要:
注册驱动程序:使用DriverManager类的 registerDriver()方法注册驱动程序类。将驱动程序类名称作为参数传递给它。
建立连接:使用DriverManager 类的getConnection()方法连接数据库。将URL(字符串),用户名(字符串),密码(字符串)作为参数传递给它。
Create Statement:使用Connection接口的createStatement()方法创建一个Statement对象。
+----+-----------+------+---------+----------------+ | ID | NAME | AGE | SALARY | ADDRESS | +----+-----------+------+---------+----------------+ | 1 | Amit | 25 | 3000.00 | Hyderabad | | 2 | Kalyan | 27 | 4000.00 | Vishakhapatnam | | 3 | Renuka | 30 | 5000.00 | Delhi | | 4 | Archana | 24 | 1500.00 | Mumbai | | 5 | Koushik | 30 | 9000.00 | Kota | | 6 | Hardik | 45 | 6400.00 | Bhopal | | 7 | Trupthi | 33 | 4360.00 | Ahmedabad | | 8 | Mithili | 26 | 4100.00 | Vijayawada | | 9 | Maneesh | 39 | 4000.00 | Hyderabad | | 10 | Rajaneesh | 30 | 6400.00 | Delhi | | 11 | Komal | 29 | 8000.00 | Ahmedabad | | 12 | Manyata | 25 | 5000.00 | Vijayawada | +----+-----------+------+---------+----------------+
import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; public class UpdateRecordsExample { public static void main(String args[]) throws SQLException { //注册驱动程序 DriverManager.registerDriver(new com.mysql.jdbc.Driver()); //获得连接 String mysqlUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/MyDatabase"; Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(mysqlUrl, "root", "password"); System.out.println("Connection established......"); //创建语句 Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); //查询更新记录 String query = "update customers set address = 'Delhi' where ID in (4, 5, 6, 7 )"; //执行查询 int i = stmt.executeUpdate(query); System.out.println("Rows updated: "+i); System.out.println("Contents of the customers table after updating the records: "); //检索数据 ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("Select * from customers"); while(rs.next()) { System.out.print("ID: "+rs.getInt("ID")+", "); System.out.print("Name: "+rs.getString("Name")+", "); System.out.print("Age: "+rs.getInt("Age")+", "); System.out.print("Salary: "+rs.getInt("Salary")+", "); System.out.print("Address: "+rs.getString("Address")); System.out.println(); } } }
Connection established...... Rows updated: 4 Contents of the customers table after updating the records: ID: 1, Name: Amit, Age: 25, Salary: 3000, Address: Hyderabad ID: 2, Name: Kalyan, Age: 27, Salary: 4000, Address: Vishakhapatnam ID: 3, Name: Renuka, Age: 30, Salary: 5000, Address: Delhi ID: 4, Name: Archana, Age: 24, Salary: 1500, Address: Delhi ID: 5, Name: Koushik, Age: 30, Salary: 9000, Address: Delhi ID: 6, Name: Hardik, Age: 45, Salary: 6400, Address: Delhi ID: 7, Name: Trupthi, Age: 33, Salary: 4360, Address: Delhi ID: 8, Name: Mithili, Age: 26, Salary: 4100, Address: Vijayawada ID: 9, Name: Maneesh, Age: 39, Salary: 4000, Address: Hyderabad ID: 10, Name: Rajaneesh, Age: 30, Salary: 6400, Address: Delhi ID: 11, Name: Komal, Age: 8000, Salary: 29, Address: Ahmedabad ID: 12, Name: Manyata, Age: 5000, Salary: 25, Address: Vijayawada