这是一个在二进制搜索树中执行字典操作的C ++程序。
Begin Declare function insert(int k) in = int(k mod max) p[in] = (n_type*) malloc(sizeof(n_type)) p[in]->d = k if (r[in] == NULL) then r[in] = p[in] r[in]->n = NULL t[in] = p[in] else t[in] = r[in] while (t[in]->n != NULL) t[in] = t[in]->n t[in]->n= p[in] End.
Begin Declare function search(int k) int flag = 0 in= int(k mod max) t[in] = r[in] while (t[in] != NULL) do if (t[in]->d== k) then Print “Search key is found”. flag = 1 break else t[in] = t[in]->n if (flag == 0) Print “search key not found”. End.
Begin Declare function delete_element(int k) in = int(k mod max) t[in] = r[in] while (t[in]->d!= k and t[in] != NULL) p[in] = t[in] t[in] = t[in]->n p[in]->n = t[in]->n Print the deleted element t[in]->d = -1 t[in] = NULL free(t[in]) End
#include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; # define max 20 typedef struct dictionary { int d; struct dictionary *n; } n_type; n_type *p[max], *r[max], *t[max]; class Dict { public: int in; Dict(); void insert(int); void search(int); void delete_element(int); }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int v, choice, n, num; char c; Dict d; do { cout << "\n1.Create"; cout << "\n2.Search for a value"; cout<<"\n3.Delete a value"; cout << "\nEnter your choice:"; cin >> choice; switch (choice) { case 1: cout << "\nEnter the number of elements to be inserted:"; cin >> n; cout << "\nEnter the elements to be inserted:"; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> num; d.insert(num); } break; case 2: cout << "\nEnter the element to be searched:"; cin >> n; d.search(n); case 3: cout << "\nEnter the element to be deleted:"; cin >> n; d.delete_element(n); break; default: cout << "\nInvalid choice...."; break; } cout << "\nEnter y to continue......"; cin >> c; } while (c == 'y'); } Dict::Dict() { in = -1; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { r[i] = NULL; p[i] = NULL; t[i] = NULL; } } void Dict::insert(int k) { in = int(k % max); p[in] = (n_type*) malloc(sizeof(n_type)); p[in]->d = k; if (r[in] == NULL) { r[in] = p[in]; r[in]->n = NULL; t[in] = p[in]; } else { t[in] = r[in]; while (t[in]->n != NULL) t[in] = t[in]->n; t[in]->n= p[in]; } } void Dict::search(int k) { int flag = 0; in= int(k % max); t[in] = r[in]; while (t[in] != NULL) { if (t[in]->d== k) { cout << "\nSearch key is found!!"; flag = 1; break; } else t[in] = t[in]->n; } if (flag == 0) cout << "\nsearch key not found......."; } void Dict::delete_element(int k) { in = int(k % max); t[in] = r[in]; while (t[in]->d!= k && t[in] != NULL) { p[in] = t[in]; t[in] = t[in]->n; } p[in]->n = t[in]->n; cout << "\n" << t[in]->d << " 已被删除。"; t[in]->d = -1; t[in] = NULL; free(t[in]); }
1.Create 2.Search for a value 3.Delete a value Enter your choice:1 Enter the number of elements to be inserted:3 Enter the elements to be inserted:111 222 3333 Enter y to continue......y 1.Create 2.Search for a value 3.Delete a value Enter your choice:2 Enter the element to be searched:111 Search key is found!! Enter the element to be deleted:222 222 已被删除。 Enter y to continue......y 1.Create 2.Search for a value 3.Delete a value Enter your choice:222 Invalid choice.... Enter y to continue......y 1.Create 2.Search for a value 3.Delete a value Enter your choice:2 Enter the element to be searched:222 search key not found....... Enter the element to be deleted:0