Baillie-PSW原始性测试,该测试以Robert Baillie,Carl Pomerance,John Selfridge和Samuel Wagstaff的名字命名。这是一项测试,测试数字是合成数字还是可能是质数。
Begin Declare a function MillerTest of Boolean type. Declare MT_dt and MT_num of integer datatype and pass as the parameter. Declare MT_a and MT_x of integer datatype. Initialize MT_a = 2 + rand( ) % (MT_num - 4). Initialize MT_x = pow(MT_a, MT_dt, MT_num). if (MT_x == 1 || MT_x == MT_num - 1) then return true. while (MT_dt != MT_num - 1) do MT_x = (MT_x * MT_x) % MT_num. MT_dt *= 2. if (MT_x == 1) then return false; if (MT_x == MT_num - 1) then return true. return false. End.
#include <iostream> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; int pow(int pow_a, unsigned int pow_b, int pow_c) { int result = 1; pow_a = pow_a % pow_c; while (pow_b > 0) { if (pow_b & 1) result = (result * pow_a) % pow_c; pow_b = pow_b >> 1; pow_a = (pow_a * pow_a) % pow_c; } return result; } bool MiillerTest(int MT_dt, int MT_num) { int MT_a = 2 + rand( ) % (MT_num - 4); int MT_x = pow(MT_a, MT_dt, MT_num); if (MT_x == 1 || MT_x == MT_num - 1) return true; while (MT_dt != MT_num - 1) { MT_x = (MT_x * MT_x) % MT_num; MT_dt *= 2; if (MT_x == 1) return false; if (MT_x == MT_num - 1) return true; } return false; } bool prime(int P_N, int P_K) { if (P_N <= 1 || P_N == 4) return false; if (P_N <= 3) return true; int P_D = P_N - 1; while (P_D % 2 == 0) P_D /= 2; for (int i = 0; i < P_K; i++) if (MiillerTest(P_D, P_N) == false) return false; return true; } int main() { int iter = 50; long num1; long num2; cout<< "Enter the first number: "; cin>>num1; cout<<endl; if (prime(num1, iter)) cout<<num1<<" is a prime number\n"<<endl; else cout<<num1<<" is a composite number\n"<<endl; cout<<"Enter another number: "; cin>>num2; cout<<endl; if (prime(num2, iter)) cout<<num2<<" is a prime number\n"<<endl; else cout<<num2<<" is a composite number\n"<<endl; return 0; }
Enter the first number: 23 23 is a prime number Enter another number: 45 45 is a composite number