Input: anagram = "cat" string = "tacghactcat" Output: Anagram at 0 Anagram at 5 Anagram at 7 Anagram at 8
1. Initialize two strings. 2. Create a function which returns whether two strings are anagram to each other or not. 3. Iterate through the main string in which we have to search for the anagrams. 3.1. Check whether substring is an anagram or not using the function that we have defined. 3.1.1. If True, print the starting index.
# importing collections to check for anagrams import collections # initializing two strings anagram = 'cat' string = 'tacghactcat' # function to check for anagrams def is_anagram(string): # checking for anagram if collections.Counter(anagram) == collections.Counter(string): # returning True if anagrams return True else: # returning False if not return False # getting lengths of both strings anagram_len = len(anagram) string_len = len(string) # iterarint through the string for i in range(string_len - anagram_len + 1): # checking for anagram if is_anagram(string[i:i+anagram_len]): # printing the index print(f'Anagram at {i}')
Anagram at 0 Anagram at 5 Anagram at 7 Anagram at 8