LAN 和 WLAN 之间的区别





以下是 LAN 和 WLAN 之间的重要区别。

1代表LAN stands for Local Area Network.WLAN 代表无线局域网。
2连接类型LAN connections includes wired as well as wireless connection technologies.WLAN 连接完全基于无线技术。
3覆盖范围LAN covers a large area like building.WLAN slso 也覆盖了很大的区域,如建筑物、办公室等。
4成本LAN connections are less expensive, more secure that wireless connections of WLAN.与有线连接相比,WLAN 连接更昂贵且安全性更低。
5复杂Installation of LAN is relatively cheaper but complex to install. It requires Routers, switches to connect wires.WLAN 的安装成本高但简单。不需要路由器、交换机来连接电线。
6表现LAN provides good performance and impact of weather is limited.WLAN 提供高性能,但在恶劣天气下可能会受到影响。
7流动性LAN has limited mobility. LAN needs ethernet to connect devices.WLAN 本质上是高度移动的。无需以太网即可将设备连接到 WLAN。
8中断LAN connections can not be interrupted easily.WLAN 连接很容易中断。
9例子Desktop, laptops connected to LAN in an office.通过 Wifi 或基于热点的网络连接的台式机、笔记本电脑。