START Step 1: declare character, int and double variables Step 2: Enter any statement Step 3: while loop Check condition stmt[i]=getchar()) != '\n' True then enter into loop Increment I and call the function at step 5 Step 4: Print the average length return by function From step 5 Step 5: called function calculatewordlength i. declare and initialize charcount=0 and wordcount=1 ii. while loop check condition (*stmt != '\n') if it trues enter into loop 1. if(*stmt != ' ') 2. charcount++; 3. else if(*stmt == ' ') 4. wordcount++; 5. stmt++; iii. return (double)charcount/wordcount; STOP
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> double calculatewordlength(const char *stmt); int main(){ char stmt[100]; int i=0; double avglen; printf("输入任何语句:"); while((stmt[i]=getchar()) != '\n') i++; stmt[i]='\n'; avglen=calculatewordlength(stmt); printf("average length of word is:%f.\n ", avglen); } double calculatewordlength(const char *stmt){ int charcount=0; int wordcount=1; while(*stmt != '\n'){ if(*stmt != ' ') charcount++; else if(*stmt == ' ') wordcount++; stmt++; } return (double)charcount/wordcount; }输出结果
输入任何语句:nhooo.com is the best resource for online education average length of word: 5.444444444.