在SQL SERVER中查询数据库中第几条至第几条之间的数据SQL语句如何写?
如:在SQL SERVER中查询数据库中第10条至30条之间的数据SQL语句如何写?
select top 20 * from 表 where id in (select top 30 id from 表 order by id)order by id desc
select identity(int,1,1) id,* into temp from 表
select * from temp where id between 10 and 30
select top 20 * from 表 where 标识字段 not in (select top 9 标识字段 from 表 )
select top 20 * from 表
where id not in (select top 10 id from 表 order by id)
order by id
select * from 表 where id between 11 and 30