JavaScript中,如果function属于一个对象,那么通过对象来访问该function的行为称之为“方法调用”。与普通的函数调用不同的是,在进行方法调用时,function中的this指代将发生变化 — this将指代用于调用该function的对象(该对象将成为方法调用的invocation context):
var x = 99; var sample = { x:1, act:function(a){ this.x = a*a;//assign value to sample's x, not global object's x. } } sample.act(6); console.log(sample.x);//36 console.log(x);//99
//other ways to invoke method sample["act"](7); console.log(sample.x);//49
//nested function can access variable outside of it. var y = 88; var sample2 = { y:1, act2:function(a){ this.y = inner(); function inner(){ return a*a; } } } sample2.act2(8); console.log(sample2.y);//64 console.log(y);//88
//nested function does not inherit "this". The "this" in nested function is global object var sample3 = { act3:function(){ inner(); function inner(){ console.log(this);//window object } } } sample3.act3();
//pass "this" to nested function var sample4 = { act4:function(){ var self = this; inner(); function inner(){ console.log(self);//Object {act4=function()} } } } sample4.act4();