

using system;

using system.xml;

using system.xml.serialization;

using system.text;

using system.io;

public class util


    /// <summary>

    /// 对象序列化成 xml string

    /// </summary>

    public static string xmlserialize<t>(t obj)


        string xmlstring = string.empty;

        xmlserializer xmlserializer = new xmlserializer(typeof(t));

        using (memorystream ms = new memorystream())


            xmlserializer.serialize(ms, obj);

            xmlstring = encoding.utf8.getstring(ms.toarray());


        return xmlstring;


    /// <summary>

    /// xml string 反序列化成对象

    /// </summary>

    public static t xmldeserialize<t>(string xmlstring)


        t t = default(t);

        xmlserializer xmlserializer = new xmlserializer(typeof(t));

        using (stream xmlstream = new memorystream(encoding.utf8.getbytes(xmlstring)))


            using (xmlreader xmlreader = xmlreader.create(xmlstream))


                object obj = xmlserializer.deserialize(xmlreader);

                t = (t)obj;



        return t;



stringwriter,xmlserializer将对象、对象集合序列化为xml格式的字符串, 同时描述如何进行反序列化.

c# 序列化 xmlserializer,binaryformatter,soapformatter


using system;

using system.collections.generic;

using system.text;

namespace simpleserialize



  public class radio


    public bool hastweeters;

    public bool hassubwoofers;

    public double[] stationpresets;


    public string radioid = "xf-552rr6";




using system;

using system.collections.generic;

using system.text;

using system.xml.serialization;

namespace simpleserialize



  public class car


    public radio theradio = new radio();

    public bool ishatchback;


  [serializable, xmlroot(namespace = "http://www.intertech.com")]

  public class jamesbondcar : car



    public bool canfly;


    public bool cansubmerge;

    public jamesbondcar(bool skyworthy, bool seaworthy)


      canfly = skyworthy;

      cansubmerge = seaworthy;


    // the xmlserializer demands a default constructor!

    public jamesbondcar() { }




using system;

using system.collections.generic;

using system.text;

using system.io;

// for the formatters.

using system.runtime.serialization.formatters.binary;

using system.runtime.serialization.formatters.soap;

using system.xml.serialization;

namespace simpleserialize


  class program


    static void main(string[] args)


      console.writeline("***** fun with object serialization *****n");

      // make a jamesbondcar and set state.

      jamesbondcar jbc = new jamesbondcar();

      jbc.canfly = true;

      jbc.cansubmerge = false;

      jbc.theradio.stationpresets = new double[] { 89.3, 105.1, 97.1 };

      jbc.theradio.hastweeters = true;

      // now save / load the car to a specific file.

      saveasbinaryformat(jbc, "cardata.dat");


      saveassoapformat(jbc, "cardata.soap");

      saveasxmlformat(jbc, "cardata.xml");





    #region save / load as binary format

    static void saveasbinaryformat(object objgraph, string filename)


      // save object to a file named cardata.dat in binary.

      binaryformatter binformat = new binaryformatter();

      using (stream fstream = new filestream(filename,

            filemode.create, fileaccess.write, fileshare.none))


        binformat.serialize(fstream, objgraph);


      console.writeline("=> saved car in binary format!");


    static void loadfrombinaryfile(string filename)


      binaryformatter binformat = new binaryformatter();

      // read the jamesbondcar from the binary file.

      using (stream fstream = file.openread(filename))


        jamesbondcar carfromdisk =


        console.writeline("can this car fly? : {0}", carfromdisk.canfly);




    #region save as soap format

    // be sure to import system.runtime.serialization.formatters.soap 

    // and reference system.runtime.serialization.formatters.soap.dll.

    static void saveassoapformat(object objgraph, string filename)


      // save object to a file named cardata.soap in soap format.

      soapformatter soapformat = new soapformatter();

      using (stream fstream = new filestream(filename,

        filemode.create, fileaccess.write, fileshare.none))


        soapformat.serialize(fstream, objgraph);


      console.writeline("=> saved car in soap format!");



    #region save as xml format

    static void saveasxmlformat(object objgraph, string filename)


      // save object to a file named cardata.xml in xml format.

      xmlserializer xmlformat = new xmlserializer(typeof(jamesbondcar),

        new type[] { typeof(radio), typeof(car) });

      using (stream fstream = new filestream(filename,

        filemode.create, fileaccess.write, fileshare.none))


        xmlformat.serialize(fstream, objgraph);


      console.writeline("=> saved car in xml format!");



    #region save collection of cars

    static void savelistofcars()


      // now persist a list<> of jamesbondcars.

      list<jamesbondcar> mycars = new list<jamesbondcar>();

      mycars.add(new jamesbondcar(true, true));

      mycars.add(new jamesbondcar(true, false));

      mycars.add(new jamesbondcar(false, true));

      mycars.add(new jamesbondcar(false, false));

      using (stream fstream = new filestream("carcollection.xml",

        filemode.create, fileaccess.write, fileshare.none))


        xmlserializer xmlformat = new xmlserializer(typeof(list<jamesbondcar>),

          new type[] { typeof(jamesbondcar), typeof(car), typeof(radio) });

        xmlformat.serialize(fstream, mycars);


      console.writeline("=> saved list of cars!");


    static void savelistofcarsasbinary()


      // save arraylist object (mycars) as binary.

      list<jamesbondcar> mycars = new list<jamesbondcar>();

      binaryformatter binformat = new binaryformatter();

      using (stream fstream = new filestream("allmycars.dat",

        filemode.create, fileaccess.write, fileshare.none))


        binformat.serialize(fstream, mycars);


      console.writeline("=> saved list of cars in binary!");




