package org.nhooo.example.text; import java.text.BreakIterator; import java.util.Locale; public class BreakIteratorExample { public static void main(String[] args) { String data = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."; String search = "dog"; // 获取BreakIterator的实例,以用于 //给定的语言环境。我们可以实例化BreakIterator而无需 //指定语言环境。当我们 // 正在使用日语或中文等语言 // 与英语相比,休息标准可能有所不同。 BreakIterator bi = BreakIterator.getWordInstance(Locale.US); // 设置要扫描的文本字符串。 bi.setText(data); // 迭代边界/中断 System.out.println("Iterates each word: "); int count = 0; int lastIndex = bi.first(); while (lastIndex != BreakIterator.DONE) { int firstIndex = lastIndex; lastIndex = bi.next(); if (lastIndex != BreakIterator.DONE && Character.isLetterOrDigit(data.charAt(firstIndex))) { String word = data.substring(firstIndex, lastIndex); System.out.printf("'%s' found at (%s, %s)%n", word, firstIndex, lastIndex); // 计算“狗”一词出现的次数。 if (word.equalsIgnoreCase(search)) { count++; } } } System.out.println("Number of word '" + search + "' found = " + count); } }
Iterates each word: 'The' found at (0, 3) 'quick' found at (4, 9) 'brown' found at (10, 15) 'fox' found at (16, 19) 'jumps' found at (20, 25) 'over' found at (26, 30) 'the' found at (31, 34) 'lazy' found at (35, 39) 'dog' found at (40, 43) Number of word 'dog' found = 1