以下是如何正确使用java.util.Scanner该类以正确地交互读取用户输入的信息System.in(有时称为stdin,尤其是在C,C ++和其他语言以及Unix和Linux中)。它惯用地演示了要求完成的最常见的事情。
package com.stackoverflow.scanner; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static java.lang.String.format; public class ScannerExample { private static final Set<String> EXIT_COMMANDS; private static final Set<String> HELP_COMMANDS; private static final Pattern DATE_PATTERN; private static final String HELP_MESSAGE; static { final SortedSet<String> ecmds = new TreeSet<String>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); ecmds.addAll(Arrays.asList("exit", "done", "quit", "end", "fino")); EXIT_COMMANDS = Collections.unmodifiableSortedSet(ecmds); final SortedSet<String> hcmds = new TreeSet<String>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); hcmds.addAll(Arrays.asList("help", "helpi", "?")); HELP_COMMANDS = Collections.unmodifiableSet(hcmds); DATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\d{4}([-\\/])\\d{2}\\1\\d{2}"); // http://regex101.com/r/xB8dR3/1 HELP_MESSAGE = format("Please enter some data or enter one of the following commands to exit %s", EXIT_COMMANDS); } /** * Using exceptions to control execution flow is always bad. * That is why this is encapsulated in a method, this is done this * way specifically so as not to introduce any external libraries * so that this is a completely self contained example. * @param s possible url * @return true if s represents a valid url, false otherwise */ private static boolean isValidURL(@Nonnull final String s) { try { new URL(s); return true; } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { return false; } } private static void output(@Nonnull final String format, @Nonnull final Object... args) { System.out.println(format(format, args)); } public static void main(final String[] args) { final Scanner sis = new Scanner(System.in); output(HELP_MESSAGE); while (sis.hasNext()) { if (sis.hasNextInt()) { final int next = sis.nextInt(); output("You entered an Integer = %d", next); } else if (sis.hasNextLong()) { final long next = sis.nextLong(); output("You entered a Long = %d", next); } else if (sis.hasNextDouble()) { final double next = sis.nextDouble(); output("You entered a Double = %f", next); } else if (sis.hasNext("\\d+")) { final BigInteger next = sis.nextBigInteger(); output("You entered a BigInteger = %s", next); } else if (sis.hasNextBoolean()) { final boolean next = sis.nextBoolean(); output("You entered a Boolean representation = %s", next); } else if (sis.hasNext(DATE_PATTERN)) { final String next = sis.next(DATE_PATTERN); output("You entered a Date representation = %s", next); } else // 未分类 { final String next = sis.next(); if (isValidURL(next)) { output("You entered a valid URL = %s", next); } else { if (EXIT_COMMANDS.contains(next)) { output("Exit command %s issued, exiting!", next); break; } else if (HELP_COMMANDS.contains(next)) { output(HELP_MESSAGE); } else { output("You entered an unclassified String = %s", next); } } } } /* This will close the underlying Readable, in this case System.in, and free those resources. You will not be to read fromSystem.inanymore after this you call .close(). If you wanted to useSystem.infor something else, then don't close the Scanner. */ sis.close(); System.exit(0); } }