library(magrittr) 1:10 %>% mean # [1] 5.5 # is equivalent to mean(1:10) # [1] 5.5
years <- factor(2008:2012) # nesting as.numeric(as.character(years)) # piping years %>%as.character%>% as.numeric
# example with grepl # its syntax: # grepl(pattern, x,ignore.case= FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE) # note that the `substring` result is the *2nd* argument of grepl grepl("Wo", substring("Hello World", 7, 11)) # piping while naming other arguments "Hello World" %>% substring(7, 11) %>% grepl(pattern = "Wo") # piping with . "Hello World" %>% substring(7, 11) %>% grepl("Wo", .) # piping with . and curly braces "Hello World" %>% substring(7, 11) %>% { c(paste('Hi', .)) } #[1] "Hi World" #using LHS multiple times in argument with curly braces and . "Hello World" %>% substring(7, 11) %>% { c(paste(. ,'Hi', .)) } #[1] "World Hi World"