通过pip install fabric
#myproject/fabfile.py fromfabric.apiimport * @task def dev(): # details of development server env.user= # your ssh user env.password= #your ssh password env.hosts= # your ssh hosts (list instance, with comma-separated hosts) env.key_filename= # pass to ssh key for github in your local keyfile @task def release(): # details of release server env.user= # your ssh user env.password= #your ssh password env.hosts= # your ssh hosts (list instance, with comma-separated hosts) env.key_filename= # pass to ssh key for github in your local keyfile @task def run(): with cd('path/to/your_project/'): with prefix('source ../env/bin/activate'): # activate venv, suppose it appear in one level higher # pass commands one by one run('git pull') run('pip install -r requirements.txt') run('pythonmanage.pymigrate --noinput') run('pythonmanage.pycollectstatic --noinput') run('touch reload.txt')
$ fab dev run # for release server, `fab release run`