let myFavoritePet: "dog"; myFavoritePet = "dog";
// Error: Type '"rock"' is not assignable to type '"dog"'. // myFavoritePet = "rock";
type Species = "cat" | "dog" | "bird"; function buyPet(pet: Species, name: string) : Pet { /*...*/ } buyPet(myFavoritePet /* "dog" as defined above */, "Rocky"); // Error: Argument of type '"rock"' is not assignable to parameter of type "'cat' | "dog" | "bird". Type '"rock"' is not assignable to type '"bird"'. // buyPet("rock", "Rocky");
function buyPet(pet: Species, name: string) : Pet; function buyPet(pet: "cat", name: string): Cat; function buyPet(pet: "dog", name: string): Dog; function buyPet(pet: "bird", name: string): Bird; function buyPet(pet: Species, name: string) : Pet { /*...*/ } let dog = buyPet(myFavoritePet /* "dog" as defined above */, "Rocky"); // 狗来自“狗”类型(狗:“狗”)
interface Pet { species: Species; eat(); sleep(); } interface Cat extends Pet { species: "cat"; } interface Bird extends Pet { species: "bird"; sing(); } function petIsCat(pet: Pet): pet is Cat { returnpet.species=== "cat"; } function petIsBird(pet: Pet): pet is Bird { returnpet.species=== "bird"; } function playWithPet(pet: Pet){ if(petIsCat(pet)) { // pet现在来自Cat类型(pet:Cat) pet.eat(); pet.sleep(); } else if(petIsBird(pet)) { // 宠物现在来自鸟类类型(宠物:鸟类) pet.eat(); pet.sing(); pet.sleep(); } }
let myFavoritePet: "dog"; myFavoritePet = "dog"; // Error: Type '"rock"' is not assignable to type '"dog"'. // myFavoritePet = "rock"; type Species = "cat" | "dog" | "bird"; interface Pet { species: Species; name: string; eat(); walk(); sleep(); } interface Cat extends Pet { species: "cat"; } interface Dog extends Pet { species: "dog"; } interface Bird extends Pet { species: "bird"; sing(); } // Error: Interface 'Rock' incorrectly extends interface 'Pet'. Types of property 'species' are incompatible. Type '"rock"' is not assignable to type '"cat" | "dog" | "bird"'. Type '"rock"' is not assignable to type '"bird"'. // 界面Rock扩展Pet { // type: "rock"; // } function buyPet(pet: Species, name: string) : Pet; function buyPet(pet: "cat", name: string): Cat; function buyPet(pet: "dog", name: string): Dog; function buyPet(pet: "bird", name: string): Bird; function buyPet(pet: Species, name: string) : Pet { if(pet === "cat") { return { species: "cat", name: name, eat: function () { console.log(`${this.name} eats.`); }, walk: function () { console.log(`${this.name} walks.`); }, sleep: function () { console.log(`${this.name} sleeps.`); } } as Cat; } else if(pet === "dog") { return { species: "dog", name: name, eat: function () { console.log(`${this.name} eats.`); }, walk: function () { console.log(`${this.name} walks.`); }, sleep: function () { console.log(`${this.name} sleeps.`); } } as Dog; } else if(pet === "bird") { return { species: "bird", name: name, eat: function () { console.log(`${this.name} eats.`); }, walk: function () { console.log(`${this.name} walks.`); }, sleep: function () { console.log(`${this.name} sleeps.`); }, sing: function () { console.log(`${this.name} sings.`); } } as Bird; } else { throw `Sorry we don't have a ${pet}. Would you like to buy a dog?`; } } function petIsCat(pet: Pet): pet is Cat { returnpet.species=== "cat"; } function petIsDog(pet: Pet): pet is Dog { returnpet.species=== "dog"; } function petIsBird(pet: Pet): pet is Bird { returnpet.species=== "bird"; } function playWithPet(pet: Pet) { console.log(`Hey ${pet.name}, let's play.`); if(petIsCat(pet)) { // pet现在来自Cat类型(pet:Cat) pet.eat(); pet.sleep(); // Error: Type '"bird"' is not assignable to type '"cat"'. //pet.type= "bird"; // 错误:类型“猫”上不存在属性“唱歌”。 // pet.sing(); } else if(petIsDog(pet)) { // pet现在来自Dog类型(pet:Dog) pet.eat(); pet.walk(); pet.sleep(); } else if(petIsBird(pet)) { // 宠物现在来自鸟类类型(宠物:鸟类) pet.eat(); pet.sing(); pet.sleep(); } else { throw "An unknown pet. Did you buy a rock?"; } } let dog = buyPet(myFavoritePet /* "dog" as defined above */, "Rocky"); // 狗来自“狗”类型(狗:“狗”) // Error: Argument of type '"rock"' is not assignable to parameter of type "'cat' | "dog" | "bird". Type '"rock"' is not assignable to type '"bird"'. // buyPet("rock", "Rocky"); playWithPet(dog); // 输出:嗨,洛基,让我们玩。 // 岩石吃。 // 岩石漫步。 // 岩石睡觉。