//当次要来源产生声音时,DuckingNode将严重压缩主要来源 class DuckingNode { constructor(context) { let blocksize = 2048; let normalThreshold = -50; let duckThreshold = 0.15; //创建节点 this.compressor= context.createDynamicsCompressor(); this.processor= context.createScriptProcessor(blocksize, 2, 2); //配置节点 this.compressor.threshold.value = normalThreshold; this.compressor.knee.value = 0; this.compressor.ratio.value = 12; this.compressor.reduction.value = -20; this.compressor.attack.value = 0; this.compressor.release.value = 1.5; let self = this; this.processor.onaudioprocess = function(audioProcessingEvent) { let inputBuffer = audioProcessingEvent.inputBuffer; let outputBuffer = audioProcessingEvent.outputBuffer; let rms; let total = 0.0; let len = blocksize * outputBuffer.numberOfChannels; for (let channel = 0; channel < outputBuffer.numberOfChannels; channel++) { let inputData = inputBuffer.getChannelData(channel); let outputData = outputBuffer.getChannelData(channel); for (let sample = 0; sample < inputBuffer.length; sample++) { // 使输出等于输入 outputData[sample] = inputData[sample]; total += Math.abs(inputData[sample]); } } //均方根 rms = Math.sqrt( total / len ); //我们将阈值至少设置为“ normalThreshold” self.compressor.threshold.value = normalThreshold + Math.min(rms - duckThreshold, 0) * 5 * normalThreshold; } } get primaryInput () { return this.compressor; } get secondaryInput () { return this.processor; } connectPrimary(node) { this.compressor.connect(node); } connectSecondary(node) { this.processor.connect(node); } };
let audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(); //Select two <audio> elements on the page. Ideally they have the autoplay attribute let musicElement = document.getElementById("music"); let voiceoverElement = document.getElementById("voiceover"); //我们从它们创建源节点 let musicSourceNode = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(musicElement); let voiceoverSourceNode = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(voiceoverElement); let duckingNode = new DuckingNode(audioContext); //连接一切 musicSourceNode.connect(duckingNode.primaryInput); voiceoverSourceNode.connect(duckingNode.secondaryInput); duckingNode.connectPrimary(audioContext.destination); duckingNode.connectSecondary(audioContext.destination);
该示例的一部分来自Kevin Ennis的回答以及mdn上的代码。