在编程中,do ... while循环的工作方式与while循环相同,主要区别是在块执行结束时评估指定的布尔条件。这导致语句至少执行一次,以后的迭代取决于布尔表达式的结果。使用过程符号和布尔条件进行do ... while迭代。
一个do ... while循环是示例出口控制环路,因为在此代码指定条件的评估之前执行。它一直运行到布尔条件为真,一旦评估为假,则该循环在该时间点终止。
在Ruby中,do ... while循环是通过以下语法实现的:
loop do # 要执行的代码块 break if Boolean_Expression #使用break语句 end
=begin Ruby program to check whether the given number is Armstrong or not using a do-while loop =end puts "Enter the number" num=gets.chomp.to_i temp=num sum = 0 loop do #do-while循环的实现 rem=num%10 num=num/10 sum=sum+rem*rem*rem puts "Checking......" if num==0 break end end if(temp==sum) puts "The #{temp} is Armstrong" else puts "The #{temp} is not Armstrong" end
First run: Enter the number 135 Checking...... Checking...... Checking...... The 135 is not Armstrong Second run: Enter the number 1 Checking...... The 1 is Armstrong
=begin Ruby program to check wether the given number is having five or not using do-while loop =end puts "Enter the number" num=gets.chomp.to_i temp=num sum = 0 flag=false #标志是一个布尔变量 loop do #do-while循环的实现 rem=num%10 num=num/10 if(rem==5) flag=true #如果发现存在,则标志为真 end puts "Checking......" if num==0 break end end if(flag==true) puts "We have found the presence of five in #{temp}" else puts "We have not found the presence of five in #{temp}" end
First run: Enter the number 1234566 Checking...... Checking...... Checking...... Checking...... Checking...... Checking...... Checking...... We have found the presence of five in 1234566 Second run: Enter the number 198762 Checking...... Checking...... Checking...... Checking...... Checking...... Checking...... We have not found the presence of five in 198762