thread1 = coroutine.create(function() print("honk") end) print(thread1) -->> thread: 6b028b8c
print(coroutine.status(thread1)) -->> suspended
coroutine.resume(thread1) -->> honk
print(coroutine.status(thread1)) -->> dead
Coroutines can suspend its execution and resume it later thanks to the coroutine.yield function:
thread2 = coroutine.create(function() for n = 1, 5 do print("honk "..n) coroutine.yield() end end)
As you can see, coroutine.yield() is present inside the for loop, now when we resume the coroutine, it will execute the code until it reachs a coroutine.yield:
coroutine.resume(thread2) -->> honk 1 coroutine.resume(thread2) -->> honk 2
After finishing the loop, the thread status becomes dead and cannot be resumed. Coroutines also allows the exchange between data:
thread3 = coroutine.create(function(complement) print("honk "..complement) coroutine.yield() print("再次鸣喇叭 "..complement) end) coroutine.resume(thread3, "stackoverflow") -->> honk stackoverflow
If the coroutine is executed again with no extra arguments, the complement will still the argument from the first resume, in this case "stackoverflow":
coroutine.resume(thread3) -->> 再次鸣喇叭 stackoverflow
Finally, when a coroutine ends, any values returned by its function go to the corresponding resume:
thread4 = coroutine.create(function(a, b) local c = a+b coroutine.yield() return c end) coroutine.resume(thread4, 1, 2) print(coroutine.resume(thread4)) -->> true, 3
Coroutines are used in this function to pass values back to a calling thread from deep within a recursive call.
local function Combinations(l, r) local ll = #l r = r or ll local sel = {} local function rhelper(depth, last) depth = depth or 1 last = last or 1 if depth > r then coroutine.yield(sel) else for i = last, ll - (r - depth) do sel[depth] = l[i] rhelper(depth+1, i+1) end end end return coroutine.wrap(rhelper) end for v in Combinations({1, 2, 3}, 2) do print("{"..table.concat(v, ", ").."}") end --> {1, 2} --> {1, 3} --> {2, 3}
-- slices a generator 'c' taking every 'step'th output from the generator -- starting at the 'start'th output to the 'stop'th output function slice(c, start, step, stop) local _ return coroutine.wrap(function() for i = 1, start-1 do _ = c() end for i = start, stop do if (i - start) % step == 0 then coroutine.yield(c()) else _ = c() end end end) end local alphabet = {} for c = string.byte('a'), string.byte('z') do alphabet[#alphabet+1] = string.char(c) end -- only yields combinations 100 through 102 -- requires evaluating the first 100 combinations, but not the next 5311633 local s = slice(Combinations(alphabet, 10), 100, 1, 102) for i in s do print(table.concat(i)) end --> abcdefghpr --> abcdefghps --> abcdefghpt
协程可用于如Lua编程中所述的管道构造。PiL的作者Roberto Ierusalimschy也发表了一篇论文,内容涉及使用协程来实现更高级的通用流程控制机制,例如延续。