Python具有神奇的方法来定义运算符的重载行为。比较运算符(<,<=,>,> =,==和!=)可以通过为__lt__,__le__,__gt__,__ge__,eqeq和__ne__魔术方法提供定义来重载。
遵循程序重载==和> =运算符以比较距离类的对象。
class distance: def __init__(self, x=5,y=5): self.ft=x self.inch=y def __eq__(self, other): if self.ft==other.ft and self.inch==other.inch: return "both objects are equal" else: return "both objects are not equal" def __ge__(self, other): in1=self.ft*12+self.inch in2=other.ft*12+other.inch if in1>=in2: return "first object greater than or equal to other" else: return "first object smaller than other" d1=distance(5,5) d2=distance() print (d1==d2) d3=distance() d4=distance(6,10) print (d1==d2) d5=distance(3,11) d6=distance() print(d5>=d6)
上面程序的结果显示==和> =比较运算符的重用
both objects are equal both objects are equal first object smaller than other