>>> def hello(): print ("hello world") >>> import dis >>> dis.dis(hello) 2 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (print) 3 LOAD_CONST 1 ('hello world') 6 CALL_FUNCTION 1 (1 positional, 0 keyword pair) 9 POP_TOP 10 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) 13 RETURN_VALUE
>>> string=dis.Bytecode(hello) >>> for x in string: print (x) Instruction(opname = 'LOAD_GLOBAL', opcode = 116, arg = 0, argval = 'print', argrepr = 'print', offset = 0, starts_line = 2, is_jump_target = False) Instruction(opname = 'LOAD_CONST', opcode = 100, arg = 1, argval = 'hello world', argrepr = "'hello world'", offset = 3, starts_line = None, is_jump_target = False) Instruction(opname = 'CALL_FUNCTION', opcode = 131, arg = 1, argval = 1, argrepr = '1 positional, 0 keyword pair', offset = 6, starts_line = None, is_jump_target = False) Instruction(opname = 'POP_TOP', opcode = 1, arg = None, argval = None, argrepr = '', offset = 9, starts_line = None, is_jump_target = False) Instruction(opname = 'LOAD_CONST', opcode = 100, arg = 0, argval = None, argrepr = 'None', offset = 10, starts_line = None, is_jump_target = False) Instruction(opname = 'RETURN_VALUE', opcode = 83, arg = None, argval = None, argrepr = '', offset = 13, starts_line = None, is_jump_target = False)
>>> dis.code_info(hello) "Name: hello\nFilename: <pyshell#2>\nArgument count: 0\nKw-only arguments: 0\nNumber of locals: 0\nStack size: 2\nFlags: OPTIMIZED, NEWLOCALS, NOFREE\nConstants:\n 0: None\n 1: 'hello world'\nNames:\n 0: print"
>>> dis.show_code(hello) Name: hello Filename: <pyshell#2> Argument count: 0 Kw-only arguments: 0 Number of locals: 0 Stack size: 2 Flags: OPTIMIZED, NEWLOCALS, NOFREE Constants: 0: None 1: 'hello world' Names: 0: print
>>> codeInString = 'a = 5\nb = 6\nsum = a + b \ nprint("sum = ",sum)' >>> codeObejct = compile(codeInString, 'sumstring', 'exec') >>> dis.disassemble(codeObejct)
1 0 LOAD_CONST 0 (5) 3 STORE_NAME 0 (a) 2 6 LOAD_CONST 1 (6) 9 STORE_NAME 1 (b) 3 12 LOAD_NAME 0 (a) 15 LOAD_NAME 1 (b) 18 BINARY_ADD 19 STORE_NAME 2 (sum) 4 22 LOAD_NAME 3 (print) 25 LOAD_CONST 2 ('sum =') 28 LOAD_NAME 2 (sum) 31 CALL_FUNCTION 2 (2 positional, 0 keyword pair) 34 POP_TOP 35 LOAD_CONST 3 (None) 38 RETURN_VALUE
>>> it=dis.get_instructions(code) >>> for i in it: print (i) Instruction(opname = 'LOAD_CONST', opcode = 100, arg = 0, argval = <code object hello at 0x02A9BA70, file "<disassembly>", line 2>, argrepr = '<code object hello at 0x02A9BA70, file "<disassembly>", line 2>', offset = 0, starts_line = 2, is_jump_target = False) Instruction(opname = 'LOAD_CONST', opcode = 100, arg = 1, argval = 'hello', argrepr = "'hello'", offset = 3, starts_line = None, is_jump_target = False) Instruction(opname = 'MAKE_FUNCTION', opcode = 132, arg = 0, argval = 0, argrepr = '', offset = 6, starts_line = None, is_jump_target = False) Instruction(opname = 'STORE_NAME', opcode = 90, arg = 0, argval = 'hello', argrepr = 'hello', offset = 9, starts_line = None, is_jump_target = False) Instruction(opname = 'LOAD_CONST', opcode = 100, arg = 2, argval = None, argrepr = 'None', offset = 12, starts_line = None, is_jump_target = False) Instruction(opname = 'RETURN_VALUE', opcode = 83, arg = None, argval = None, argrepr = '', offset = 15, starts_line = None, is_jump_target = False)
指令 | 字节码操作的详细信息 |
操作码 | 用于操作的数字代码,与下面列出的操作码值和操作码集合中的字节码值相对应。 |
操作名 | 易读的操作名称 |
精氨酸 | 操作的数字参数(如果有),否则为无 |
阿格瓦尔 | 解析的arg值(如果已知),否则与arg相同 |
阿格雷普 | 可读的操作参数描述 |
抵消 | 字节码序列内的操作开始索引 |
starts_line | 该操作码(如果有)开头的行,否则为None |
is_jump_target | 如果其他代码跳到此处,则为True,否则为False |