import threading import time class AsyncWrite(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, text, out): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.text = text self.out = out def run(self): f = open(self.out, "a") f.write(self.text + '\n') f.close() time.sleep(3) print ("Finished Background file write to " + self.out) def Main(): message = input("输入要存储的字符串:" ) background = AsyncWrite(message,'out.txt') #print threading.enumerate() background.start() print ("The program can continue while it writes in another thread") num = int(input("Entered number is : ")) if (num%2==0): print("Entered number is Even") else: print("Entered number is ODD") background.join() print ("Waited until thread was complete") # print (threading.enumerate()) if __name__ == '__main__': Main()
输入要存储的字符串:Nhooo The program can continue while it writes in another thread Entered number is : 33 Entered number is ODD Finished Background file write to out.txt Waited until thread was complete