在C ++中,我们可以使用标准库轻松创建矢量。我们将主字符串和要搜索的字符串作为向量,然后将其搜索到主字符串中。找到一个匹配项后,该函数将返回地址,并将其从主字符串中删除。因此,在下一次迭代中,它从位置0开始并再次搜索。
Input: Main String: “ABAAABCDBBABCDDEBCABC”, Pattern “ABC” Output: Pattern found at position: 4 Pattern found at position: 10 Pattern found at position: 18
输入 -主要文本和子字符串。
Begin p := starting point of the main string while r is not at the end of substr and p is not at the end of main, do r := starting of substr while item at position p & r are not same, and p in main, do p := p + 1 i := i + 1 done q := p while item at pos p & r are same, and r in substr and p in main, do p := p + 1 i := i + 1 r := r + 1 done if r exceeds the substr, then delete first occurrence of substr from main return the position where substr is found if p exceeds main string, then return 0 q := q + 1 p := q done End
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; void take_string(vector<char> &string){ char c; while(true){ c = getchar(); if(c == '\n'){ break; } string.push_back(c); } } void display(vector<char> string){ for(int i = 0; i<string.size(); i++){ cout << string[i]; } } int match_string(vector<char>& main, vector<char> substr){ vector<char>::iterator p,q, r; int i = 0; p = main.begin(); while (r <= substr.end() && p <= main.end()){ r = substr.begin(); while (*p != *r && p < main.end()){ p++; i++; } q = p; while (*p == *r && r <= substr.end() && p<=main.end()){ p++; i++; r++; } if (r >= substr.end()){ main.erase(main.begin(), q + 1); return (i - substr.size() + 1); } if (p >= main.end()) return 0; p = ++q; } }
Enter main String: C++ is programming language. It is object oriented language Enter substring to find: language Match found at Position = 20 Match found at Position = 52