Type *pointer;
Type *pointer; Pointer = variable name;
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // A normal integer variable int a = 7; // A pointer variable that holds address of a. int *p = &a; // Value stored is value of variable "a" cout<<"Value of Variable : "<<*p<<endl; // It will print the address of the variable "a" cout<<"Address of Variable : "<<p<<endl; // reassign the value. *p = 6; cout<<"Value of the variable is now: "<<*p<<endl; return 0; }
Value of Variable : 7 Address of Variable : 0x6ffe34 Value of the variable is now: 6
C ++中的智能指针可以实现为模板类,并通过*和->运算符进行重载。auto_ptr,shared_ptr,unique_ptr和weak_ptr是可以由C ++库实现的智能指针形式。
#include<iostream> using namespace std; // A generic smart pointer class template <class T> class Smartpointer { T *p; // Actual pointer public: // Constructor Smartpointer(T *ptr = NULL) { p = ptr; } // Destructor ~Smartpointer() { delete(p); } // Overloading dereferencing operator T & operator * () { return *p; } // Overloding arrow operator so that members of T can be accessed // like a pointer T * operator -> () { return p; } }; int main() { Smartpointer<int> p(new int()); *p = 26; cout << "Value is: "<<*p; return 0; }
Value is: 26
shared_ptr是智能指针形式之一,可以由C ++库实现。它是原始指针和引用计数(一种存储引用,指针或对资源(例如对象,内存块,磁盘空间或其他资源)的句柄的数量的技术)的容器,该容器相互配合与shared_ptr的所有副本。
#include<iostream> #include<memory> using namespace std; int main() { shared_ptr<int> ptr(new int(7)); shared_ptr<int> ptr1(new int(6)); cout << ptr << endl; cout << ptr1 << endl; // Returns the number of shared_ptr objects // referring to the same managed object. cout << ptr.use_count() << endl; cout << ptr1.use_count() << endl; // Relinquishes ownership of ptr on the object // and pointer becomes NULL ptr.reset(); cout << ptr.get() << endl; cout << ptr1.use_count() << endl; cout << ptr1.get() << endl; return 0; }
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