A:[10,20,30,40] OUTPUT:30 20 40 10
variable p=2,starting index id=0.
listlen=len (LST) // length of the list(LST)
While(listlen>0) Id=(p+id)%listlen A=LST.pop(id)// removes and prints the required element Listlen-=1 End while
# To remove to every third element until list becomes empty def removenumber(no): # list starts with # 0 index p = 3 - 1 id = 0 lenoflist = (len(no)) # breaks out once the # list becomes empty while lenoflist > 0: id = (p + id) % lenoflist # removes and prints the required # element print(no.pop(id)) lenoflist -= 1 # Driver code A=list() n=int(input("Enter the size of the array ::")) print("Enter the INTEGER number") for i in range(int(n)): p=int(input("n=")) A.append(int(p)) print("After remove third element, The List is") removenumber(A) # call function
Enter the size of the array ::9 Enter the number n=10 n=20 n=30 n=40 n=50 n=60 n=70 n=80 n=90 After remove third element, The List is 30 60 90 40 80 50 20 70 10