链表动态分配内存,用于实现堆栈。该程序展示了c ++编程中链接列表的反转。在此,有抱负的人可以采用以下方法来获得预期的结果。算法如下:
START Step 1: create an empty stack of type node pointer Step 2: Traverse the list and push all of its nodes onto a stack Step 4: Traverse the list from the head node again Step 5: pop a value from the stack top step 6: connect them in reverse order Step 7: PRINT STOP
基于以上算法,拟定了以下c ++代码,其中stdlib库文件认为关键角色可利用与堆栈相关的关键方法,如下所示;
#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; struct linked_list { int data; struct linked_list *next; }; int stack[30], top = -1; struct linked_list* head = NULL; int printfromstack(int stack[]) { cout<<"\nStack after Reversal::"; while(top>=0) { cout<<stack[top--]<<" "; } } int push(struct linked_list** head, int n) { struct linked_list* newnode = (struct linked_list*)malloc(sizeof(struct linked_list)); newnode->data = n; newnode->next = (*head); (*head) = newnode; } int intostack(struct linked_list* head) { cout<<"Linked list::"; while(head!=NULL) { printf("%d ", head->data); stack[++top] = head->data; head = head->next; } } int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { push(&head, 7); push(&head, 20); push(&head, 3); push(&head, 40); intostack(head); printfromstack(stack); return 0; }
Linked list:: 40 3 20 7 Stack after Reversal::7 20 3 40